Thursday, May 25, 2006

Summer Gold

The recently released figures compiled by GFMS Ltd. for the World Gold Council have revealed some interesting facts for gold's future outlook. The report released this week tied jewelry demand in Asia and the Middle East in particular, to the fall.

As far as ETFs are concerned, it said that "easy access ETFs provide investors to the asset. But the most prominent aspect of the report revealed that the "most significant finding in the report is the fact that investment demand is surging ahead and that gold is reassuring its monetary value and is reganing respect among Western investors and institutions alike," says Jon Nadler, investment products analysts for

Nadler says gold is making a come back at the moment. But the question remains, after the recent sell off and correction, will that price reach the 800 mark as predicted, by the end of this year? Investors wait and watch as the summer unfolds and the upcoming months set the track for the final length.

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