Friday, November 15, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: SilverCrest (TSX.V: SVL) (NYSE MKT: SVLC) Reports Q3 Results from Santa Elena Mine in Mexico, Net Earnings Increased 194% to $0.03 Per Share

Vancouver, British Columbia - November 15, 2013 ( Mining Stocks Newswire) SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX.V:SVL) ( NYSE MKT: SVLC) has reported results for its 3rd quarter ended September 30, 2013 from its flagship 100% owned Santa Elena Mine, located in the State of Sonora, Mexico. has produced a "video news alert" about SilverCrest based on this news. If this link is not enabled, please visit and enter "SilverCrest" in the search box.
Highlights of the report include cash flow from operations of $7.1 million or $0.07 per share, down 30% from $10.2 million in the same quarter in 2012. However, net earnings increased to $3.71 million, an increase of 194% from $1.26 million in the same quarter in 2012, resulting in earnings per share of $0.03, up from $0.01 per share in the previous period.
The increase in net earnings during the quarter was primarily driven by the elimination of the marked-to-market derivative impact from Hedge Facility deliveries and lower income taxes in the period, partially offset by a decrease in revenue resulting from significantly lower realized prices and lower gold sales.
Silver prices fell 31% to $22 per ounce, with gold prices declining 21% to $1,346 per ounce.
Although gold sales were down slightly to 7,522 ounces, silver sales at 204,947 ounces, were up 35% for another quarterly record.
For a complete breakdown of these numbers, please refer to SilverCrest`s current news release.
N. Eric Fier, President and COO stated, "During Q3, despite sustained lower metal prices, SilverCrest generated strong positive cash flows and net earnings. Our free cash flow continues to be reinvested at Santa Elena as capital expenditures for the expansion plan with $14.4m invested in Q3. Management continues to focus on improving operating performance and profit margins especially in light of the new mining taxes currently being legislated in Mexico. We remain on track to achieve or better our cost guidance of $8.50 per silver equivalent ounce and production guidance of 2.44 million ounces of silver equivalent."
The company`s immediate focus is to continue to efficiently operate its Santa Elena low cost open pit silver and gold mine, where production has been reaching daily highs of 5.8 grams per tonne gold and 175 grams per tonne silver.
Major expansion and construction of a new 3,000 tonne per day mill facility is underway to significantly increase production.
SilverCrest is also advancing the large silver, copper, gold deposit at the La Joya Property in Durango State, which has stated resources nearing 200 million ounces of silver equivalent.
All numbers previously mentioned refer to US dollars.
SilverCrest currently trades at $1.70 on the TSX Venture Exchange, and with 108.8 million shares outstanding, the company is capitalized at $185 million.
For more information please visit the company`s website, or contact Fred Cooper at 1-866-691-1730 or email
About InvestmentPitch, a multimedia company that provides a combined solution for creating and hosting financial video content, and distributing it across multiple platforms to investors and financial professionals, specializes in producing three minute videos based on news releases and research reports.
Barry Morgan, CFO
Published at Newswire
Disclaimer / Disclosure : The is a third party publisher of news and research Our sites do not make recommendations, but offer information portals to research news, articles, stock lists and recent research. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising. Disclosure: SilverCrest Mines has compensated for the distribution and publishing of this news release (annual news publication 9700)
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: SilverCrest (TSX.V: SVL) (NYSE MKT: SVLC) Reports Q3, 2013 Financial Results Cash Flow from Operations of $7.1 Million ($0.07 Per Share) Net Earnings $3.71 Million ($0.03 Per Share)

Vancouver, British Columbia - November 14, 2013 ( Mining Stocks Newswire) SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX.V:SVL) ( NYSE MKT: SVLC) ("SilverCrest" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013. All financial information is prepared in accordance with IFRS and all dollar amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specified. The information in this news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2013 and associated management discussion and analysis ("MD&A") which are available from the Company's website at and under the Company's profile on SEDAR at

N. Eric Fier, President and COO stated; "During Q3, despite sustained lower metal prices, SilverCrest generated strong positive cash flows and net earnings. Our free cash flow continues to be reinvested at Santa Elena as capital expenditures for the expansion plan with $14.4m invested in Q3. Management continues to focus on improving operating performance and profit margins especially in light of the new mining taxes currently being legislated in Mexico. We remain on track to achieve or better our cost guidance of $8.50 per silver equivalent ounce and production guidance of 2.44 million ounces of silver equivalent (Ag:Au 55:1)."
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS OF Q3, 2013, Compared to Q3, 2012:
  • Cash flow from operations (1) decreased 30% to $7.1 million ($0.07 per share).
  • Cash operating cost per silver equivalent ounce sold (2) increased 5% to $7.96.
  • All-in sustaining cash costs per silver equivalent ounce sold (3) decreased by 23% to $10.41.
  • Revenues reported - IFRS (4) decreased 18% to $13.7 million.
  • Sales of 204,947 ounces of silver, another quarterly record, were up 35%.
  • Sales of 7,522 ounces of gold were down 5%.
  • Realized metal prices for ounces sold - silver price fell 31% to $22/oz and gold price fell 21% to $1,346/oz.
  • Bullion inventory at September 30, 2013, included 53,131 ounces of silver and 1,819 ounces of gold.
  • Net earnings amounted to $3.71 million ($0.03 per share), compared to $1.26 million ($0.01 per share).
  • Cash and cash equivalents totaled $24.1 million (at September 30, 2013) after capital investments of $14.4 million.
  • Working capital was $30.9 million at September 30, 2013.
Net earnings were $3,705,318 ($0.03 per share basic) for the third quarter compared with $1,263,316 ($0.01 per share basic) in 2012. The increase in net earnings during the quarter was primarily driven by the elimination of the marked-to- market derivative impact from Hedge Facility deliveries and lower income taxes in the period, partially offset by a decrease in revenue resulting from significantly lower realized prices and lower gold sales.
Silver and gold revenue totaled $13,669,133 (2012 - $16,694,752) in the third quarter, which includes $13,104,527 (2012 - $15,469,381) received on a cash basis.
Silver sales were another quarterly record of 204,947 ounces (2012 - 152,088), 35% higher than the same period in 2012. The foregoing, combined with a 31% lower average realized price at $22 (2012 - $31) per ounce, resulted in 7% less silver revenue.
Total gold sales were 7,522 ounces (2012 - 7,923) or 5% below 2012. The Company sold 6,017 (2012 - 5,423) ounces of gold at an average realized price of $1,346 (2012 - $1,707) per ounce, a 21% decline in realized price resulting in 13% less gold revenue. The Company delivered 1,504 gold ounces (2012 - 1,585) under the Sandstorm Gold Ltd. Purchase Agreement at $350 per ounce.
Cost of sales amounted to $5,293,749 (2012 - $4,239,773). Cash cost per silver equivalent ounce sold amounted to $7.96, Ag:Au(2) 61.2:1 (2012 - $7.60, Ag:Au(2) 51.3:1). The increase in 2013 cash cost per silver equivalent ounce sold is driven generally by higher operating costs with increases in mining contractor costs, higher crusher operating costs due to decreased throughput attributed to the effects of the rainy season, and annual salary and benefit increases for mine site personnel.
General and administrative expenses increased by 5% to $1,125,084 (2012 - $1,070,468) primarily due to an increase in remuneration, professional fees and Mexico corporate expenses. Remuneration increased by 23% to $465,050 (2012 - $379,081) with the addition of new corporate personnel in Q1, 2013, and increased compensation for management and other employees effective January, 2013. Professional fees increased by 51% to $158,231 (2012 - $104,803) due to additional legal fees relating to various corporate matters. Mexico corporate expenses increased by 75% to $177,318 (2012 - $101,056), with additional tax and legal expenses.
Deferred tax expense amounted to $663,000 (2012 - $189,000), primarily due to recognizing an income tax deduction on 2013 Santa Elena exploration drilling and related costs, which resulted in reducing the Mexican tax basis compared with the financial statement carrying book value.
Exchange gain on translation to US Dollars amounted to $459,247 (2012 - $949,838) due to the strengthening in the third quarter of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar. The financial results of the Company's Canadian operations were translated at US$1.00 = CAD$1.0512 at June 30, 2013 and US$1.00 = CAD$1.0285 at September 30, 2013. Newswire
(1) Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital items. This is a Non-IFRS performance measure.
(2) Silver equivalent ("AgEq") ounces consist of the number of ounces of silver sold plus the number of ounces of gold sold multiplied by the ratio of the spot gold price to the spot silver price at the quarter end dates (Q3 2013; 61.2:1, Q3 2012; 51.3:1).
(3) SilverCrest has started to report all-in sustaining cash costs effective Q2, 2013. All-in sustaining cash costs includes cost of sales, general and administrative expenses, sustaining capital and exploration expenditures at the Santa Elena Mine. This is a Non-IFRS performance measure.
(4) The MBL Hedging Facility was fully repaid in fiscal 2012, so this non-cash adjustment has now been eliminated.
The discussion of financial results in this press release includes reference to "cash flows from operations before changes in working capital items", "cash operating cost per silver equivalent ounce sold" and "all-in cash cost per silver equivalent ounce sold", which are non-IFRS performance measures. The Company presents these measures to provide additional information regarding the Company's financial results and performance. Please refer to the Company's MD&A for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2013, for a reconciliation of these measures to reported IFRS results.
SilverCrest's immediate focus is to continue its efficient operation of its flagship Santa Elena low cost open pit silver and gold mine. Operations are running smoothly with open pit producing high grade benches with gold and silver grades reaching daily highs of 5.8 gpt and 175 gpt respectively. The Company is confident that it will achieve market guidance production costs of less than $8.50 per ounce AgEq and metal production for 2013 of 30,000 ounces of gold and 725,000 ounces of silver.
Construction of the 3000 tpd conventional mill and facilities is proceeding according to schedule with the exception of delivery of the ball mill from the manufacturer. The mill is expected to arrive on site the last week of November resulting in a possible delay of initial start up until February. Production from the open pit heap leach portion of operations will continue until the mill is fully operational.
Underground development of the Santa Elena Main Zone is proceeding on schedule with development of the zone being established at several levels for the initial production stopes. Detailed mine plans are being finalized that will optimize grade and ore recovery.
Mexico is pursuing changes to its tax laws that would impact the financial performance of the Company. Among several other tax changes and administrative proposals, the Mexican government intends to initiate a 0.5% royalty on gross revenues from the sale of gold and silver and a 7.5% royalty on earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA"). The Company is working with its tax and legal advisors to determine the ultimate impact of the changes in order to mitigate the overall impact.
The Qualified Person under National Instrument (NI 43-101) Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for this News Release is N. Eric Fier, CPG, P.Eng, President and Chief Operating Officer for SilverCrest Mines Inc., who has reviewed and approved its contents.
SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SVL)(NYSE MKT:SVLC) is a Canadian precious metals producer headquartered in Vancouver, BC. SilverCrest's flagship property is the 100%-owned Santa Elena Mine, located 150 km northeast of Hermosillo, near Banamichi in the State of Sonora, México. The mine is a high-grade, epithermal silver and gold producer, with an estimated life of mine cash cost of US$8 per ounce of silver equivalent (55:1 Ag: Au). SilverCrest anticipates that the 2,500 tonnes per day open pit heap leach facility at the Santa Elena mine should recover approximately 625,000 ounces of silver and 33,000 ounces of gold in 2013. Major expansion and construction of a 3000 tonnes per day conventional mill facility is underway to significantly increase metals production at the Santa Elena Mine (open pit and underground) by 2014. Exploration programs continue to make new discoveries at Santa Elena and also have rapidly advanced the definition of a large polymetallic deposit at the La Joya property in Durango State with stated resources nearing 200 million ounces of Ag equivalent.
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and the United States Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements concern the Company's anticipated results and developments in the Company's operations in future periods, planned exploration and development of its properties, plans related to its business and other matters that may occur in the future. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on expectations of future performance, including silver and gold production and planned work programs. Statements concerning reserves and mineral resource estimates may also constitute forward-looking statements to the extent that they involve estimates of the mineralization that will be encountered if the property is developed and, in the case of mineral reserves, such statements reflect the conclusion based on certain assumptions that the mineral deposit can be economically exploited.
Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to precious and base metal price fluctuations; risks related to fluctuations in the currency markets (particularly the Mexican peso, Canadian dollar and United States dollar); risks related to the inherently dangerous activity of mining, including conditions or events beyond our control, and operating or technical difficulties in mineral exploration, development and mining activities; uncertainty in the Company's ability to raise financing and fund the exploration and development of its mineral properties; uncertainty as to actual capital costs, operating costs, production and economic returns, and uncertainty that development activities will result in profitable mining operations; risks related to reserves and mineral resource figures being estimates based on interpretations and assumptions which may result in less mineral production under actual conditions than is currently estimated and to diminishing quantities or grades of mineral reserves as properties are mined; risks related to governmental regulations and obtaining necessary licenses and permits; risks related to the business being subject to environmental laws and regulations which may increase costs of doing business and restrict our operations; risks related to mineral properties being subject to prior unregistered agreements, transfers, or claims and other defects in title; risks relating to inadequate insurance or inability to obtain insurance; risks related to potential litigation; risks related to the global economy; risks related to the Company's status as a foreign private issuer in the United States; risks related to all of the Company's properties being located in Mexico and El Salvador, including political, economic, social and regulatory instability; and risks related to officers and directors becoming associated with other natural resource companies which may give rise to conflicts of interests. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The Company's forward-looking statements are based on beliefs, expectations and opinions of management on the date the statements are made. For the reasons set forth above, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
The information provided in this news release is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning the Company. It should be read in conjunction with all other disclosure documents of the Company. The information contained herein is not a substitute for detailed investigation or analysis. No securities commission or regulatory authority has reviewed the accuracy or adequacy of the information presented.
N. Eric Fier
N. Eric Fier, President and COO
SilverCrest Mines Inc.
Fred Cooper
(604) 694-1730 ext. 108
Toll Free: 1-866-691-1730
(604) 694-1761
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Published at Newswire
Disclaimer / Disclosure : The is a third party publisher of news and research Our sites do not make recommendations, but offer information portals to research news, articles, stock lists and recent research. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions and online advertising. Disclosure: SilverCrest Mines has compensated for the distribution and publishing of this news release (annual news publication 9700)
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info:

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: DNA Precious Metals, Inc. (OCTQB: DNAP) Acquires the Complete Geological Data Resource on the Historic Montauban Mine

MONTREAL - November 6, 2013 ( Mining stocks newswire) DNA Precious Metals, Inc. (DNAP) announces that the Company has closed an agreement to acquire the complete geological data resource on the Montauban Mine, in addition to its October 22, 2013 press released "Binding Agreement to acquire an undivided one hundred percent (100%) interest for all of the Montauban Mine Property located in Notre-Dame-de-Montauban, Quebec, Canada".

The geological data, dating from the start of production in 1914 to the last exploration in 2011, consists of over 1000 reports, drill logs, geological maps of near surface deposits, maps of underground mine workings, digital files and a Gemcom modeling of the mine. The acquisition fast tracks the timeline on Montauban and enables DNA to immediately commence a NI 43-101 compliant report on the Montauban Mine, which currently has a non compliant historic near surface resource of over 1M tons of 3.4 g/t Au and approximately 1 ounce per ton silver as well as significant underground potential from this past producer.
"We are excited about the acquisition of the data resource assets due to the potential of the historical mineral resources. Over 1Mt of resource have been identified with historical drilling on the Montaban Mine project, which given its location, geology and metallurgy, could generate value for our shareholders," commented Ronald Mann, President and Chief Executive Officer of DNA Precious Metals. "These assets came to the attention of DNA through our research as we continue to focus on the development of our flagship Montauban Mine Project in Quebec, Canada and as we target updating our current resource estimate to define a mineable resource to bring into production."
About DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTCQB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP. For more information, please go to .
On behalf of the Board
Ronald K. Mann, CEO
Forward Looking Disclaimer
This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission filings filed by the Company on EDGAR at, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to review or confirm analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly release any revisions to any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this press release should not be construed as any indication of the Company's future stock price, its revenues or results of operations.
Ronald Mann, CEO
DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Twitter: www.twitter/dnametals
Stuart T. Smith, CEO
SmallCapVoice.Com, Inc.
Tel: +1-(512)-267-2430
Disclaimer/ Disclosure:The newswire is a third party publisher of news and research as well as creates original content as a news source. Original content created by investorideas is protected by copyright laws other than syndication rights. Investorideas is a news source on Google news and Linkedintoday plus hundreds of syndication partners. Our site does not make recommendations for purchases or sale of stocks or products. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. All investment involves risk and possible loss of investment. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions, content marketing and online advertising. Contact each company directly for press release questions. Disclosure is posted on each release if required but otherwise the news was not compensated for and is published for the sole interest of our readers. Investorideas is compensated by DNAP for news and content publication and syndication ( October 2013 - five thousand for one month of news distribution on Investor ideas news wire ) More disclaimer info:
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: In a New Audio at, Ronald Mann, CEO of DNA Precious Metals, Inc. (OCTQB: DNAP), Discusses Recent News and Events for the Company

AUSTIN, Texas - November 5, 2013 ( Mining stocks newswire), Inc. announced today that a new audio interview with DNA Precious Metals, Inc. (DNAP) is now available. The interview can be heard at

Ron Mann, CEO of DNA Precious Metals, Inc., called into to go over the recent news and projects for the Company. This interview provides Mr. Mann's personal insight into the recent news regarding DNAP presentation at the 2013 Silver Summit conference in Spokane, Washington, the recent announcement that DNAP has signed a Binding Agreement to acquire an undivided one hundred (100%) interest for all of the Montauban Mine Property assets located in Notre-Dame-de-Montauban, Quebec, Canada, and much more.
About DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTCQB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP. For more information, please go to .
For more information, visit
Forward Looking Disclaimer: This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission filings filed by the Company on EDGAR at, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to review or confirm analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly release any revisions to any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this press release should not be construed as any indication of the Company's future stock price, its revenues or results of operations.
Ronald Mann, CEO
DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Twitter: www.twitter/dnametals
Stuart T. Smith, CEO
SmallCapVoice.Com, Inc.
Tel: +1-(512)-267-2430
Disclaimer/ Disclosure:The newswire is a third party publisher of news and research as well as creates original content as a news source. Original content created by investorideas is protected by copyright laws other than syndication rights. Investorideas is a news source on Google news and Linkedintoday plus hundreds of syndication partners. Our site does not make recommendations for purchases or sale of stocks or products. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. All investment involves risk and possible loss of investment. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions, content marketing and online advertising. Contact each company directly for press release questions. Disclosure is posted on each release if required but otherwise the news was not compensated for and is published for the sole interest of our readers. Investorideas is compensated by DNAP for news and content publication and syndication ( October 2013 - five thousand for one month of news distribution on Investor ideas news wire ) More disclaimer info:
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: DNA Precious Metals Inc. (OCTQB: DNAP) to be Presenting at the 2013 Silver Summit Conference Today

Montreal, Canada - October 24, 2013 ( Mining stocks newswire) DNA Precious Metals Inc. ("DNA" or "the Company") (OCTQB:DNAP) has been invited to speak at the 2013 Silver Summit conference in Spokane, Washington on Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 1:50pm am, Pacific time. The Silver Summit conference is a world premier event of among others, mining company executives and institutional investors, sponsored yearly by Cambridge House International. DNA Precious Metals is honored to participate in this important high-level conference where the Company will be presenting an update on its Montauban tailings mine production target of Q2 2014, and the acquisition of the Montauban gold silver zinc lead past producer, as well as strategy, results and upcoming plans.

When: October 24 - 25 at
Where: The Davenport Hotel, Spokane, WA.
Ronald Mann, President and CEO states; "Participating companies are pioneers for having the vision to see that conferences bring together the brightest investing minds from around the world. If they have this kind of vision when it comes to meeting investors, you should come hear their vision for the future of their own companies."
About DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTCQB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP. For more information, please go to .
On behalf of the Board
Ronald K. Mann, CEO
Forward Looking Disclaimer
This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission filings filed by the Company on EDGAR at, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to review or confirm analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly release any revisions to any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this press release should not be construed as any indication of the Company's future stock price, its revenues or results of operations.
Ronald Mann, CEO
DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Twitter: www.twitter/dnametals
Stuart T. Smith, CEO
SmallCapVoice.Com, Inc.
Tel: +1-(512)-267-2430
Disclaimer/ Disclosure:The newswire is a third party publisher of news and research as well as creates original content as a news source. Original content created by investorideas is protected by copyright laws other than syndication rights. Investorideas is a news source on Google news and Linkedintoday plus hundreds of syndication partners. Our site does not make recommendations for purchases or sale of stocks or products. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. All investment involves risk and possible loss of investment. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions, content marketing and online advertising. Contact each company directly for press release questions. Disclosure is posted on each release if required but otherwise the news was not compensated for and is published for the sole interest of our readers. Investorideas is compensated by DNAP for news and content publication and syndication ( October 2013 - five thousand for one month of news distribution on Investor ideas news wire ) More disclaimer info:
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: DNA Precious Metals Inc. (OCTQB: DNAP) Announces it has Signed a Binding Agreement to Acquire Additional Mining Interest on the Montauban Mine Property

Montreal, Canada - October 22, 2013 ( Mining stocks newswire) DNA Precious Metals Inc. ("DNA" or "the Company") (OCTQB:DNAP) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Binding Agreement with Excel Gold Mining Inc. for an undivided one hundred (100%) interest for all of their Montauban Mine Property assets located in Notre-Dame-de-Montauban, Quebec, Canada. The 5 contiguous claims ("Mineral Claims") consist of a mining lease and a mining concession totalizing an approximate surface of 76.84 hectares. These 5 mining claims are contingent to DNA's mining claims covering an area of approximately 340 hectares on the Montauban Mine Property, and are described as Les Mines de Montauban in the Property Map on the DNA Website

DNA Precious Metals Inc. has fulfilled its contractual obligations under the Agreement and paid "In Trust" for the benefit of the Vendor funds and common shares of DNA Precious Metals Inc. representing a value of over $600,000 as of the date of this Release.
The acquired mining assets, described as Les Mines de Montauban on the Property Map , are fundamental to DNA's currently 100% claimed Montauban Mine Property mining claims. This acquisition solidifies DNA Precious Metal's Montauban Mine Property bundle, while expanding exploration and mining potential and enhancing access. More importantly, the added value of this acquisition resides in the granted mining lease and underground rights that accompany the newly acquired mining claims.
Reported Historical Past production from Les Mines de Montauban includes 132,000 oz gold, and 4,300,000 oz silver as well as 77,000 tons zinc, 24,000 tons lead.
"This acquisition is in line with the Company's objective of low capital cost production targets, while positioning the Company for continued growth with the Montauban Mine Project. Procuring these claims will significantly increase the Company's long term exploration program, enhancing the investment in these prospective claims" said Ronald Mann, President and CEO of DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Newly Acquired Mineral Claims
The newly acquired Minerals Claims include three shafts, extensive underground workings and includes the "Golden Goose" north strike area of the Montauban mineralized near surface ore belt, one of the many significant highlights of the acquired property. This mineralized ore block, with Historical Resources non 43-101, Mirabel Resources, consists of approximately 693, 590 metric tons grading an average 3.44 g/t Au and 14.32 g/t Ag.
The vendor intercepted significant results in their 2009 drill campaign on the acquired property. Selected assay highlights of gold/silver intercepts, historical drilling, non 43-101, non Canadian drilling reporting standard compliant, on the newly acquired Montauban Mine Property include an intercept over 9 metres at a depth of less than 20 metres of 4.10 g/t Au and 19.49 g/t Ag. See table below.
DDH From To Interval Au Ag
No (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)
EM-09-01 13.00 17.30 4.30 4.82 19.03
EM-09-15 0.50 5.00 4.50 2.15 15.11
EM-09-17 1.50 5.00 3.50 3.43 17.34
EM-09-21 1.50 4.50 3.00 8.96 18.94
EM-09-23 1.50 10.00 8.50 2.54 19.69
EM-09-26 1.50 6.00 5.00 1.41 10.62
EM-09-27 1.50 10.00 8.50 7.34 17.02
EM-09-28 3.00 5.58 2.58 14.32 25.84
EM-09-29 3.15 9.00 5.85 2.92 11.69
EM-09-35 7.40 12.50 5.10 6.77 24.29
EM-09-38 5.50 13.50 8.00 3.13 13.70
including 12.50 13.50 1.00 10.90 46.70
EM-09-40 10.50 19.50 9.00 4.10 16.49
including 18.50 19.50 1.00 20.80 33.70
EM-09-41 12.50 19.50 7.00 2.07 6.43
EM-09-45 8.00 10.00 2.00 7.16 0.90
EM-09-47 3.50 5.50 2.00 3.24 6.85
EM-09-56 15.00 22.00 7.00 4.49 12.37
EM-0958 17.00 25.00 8.00 3.78 28.26
including 17.00 18.00 1.00 11.75 65.30
About DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTCQB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP. For more information, please go to .
On behalf of the Board
Ronald K. Mann, CEO
Forward Looking Disclaimer
This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission filings filed by the Company on EDGAR at, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to review or confirm analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly release any revisions to any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this press release should not be construed as any indication of the Company's future stock price, its revenues or results of operations.
Ronald Mann, CEO
DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Twitter: www.twitter/dnametals
Stuart T. Smith, CEO
SmallCapVoice.Com, Inc.
Tel: +1-(512)-267-2430
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BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: SilverCrest (TSX.V: SVL) (NYSE MKT: SVLC) Announces Positive La Joya Preliminary Economic Assessment Base Case Pre-Tax NPV(5%) of US$133 Million and 30% IRR for "Starter Pit"

Vancouver, British Columbia - October 21, 2013 ( Mining Stocks Newswire) SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX.V:SVL) ( NYSE MKT: SVLC) ("SilverCrest" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed the Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for its La Joya Silver Copper Gold Project ("La Joya") located in Durango, Mexico. Summaries of the current resources used for the PEA, a preliminary Life of Mine Plan (LOMP), operating costs, capital costs and project economics are presented in tables below. A Technical Report compliant with NI 43-101 is being completed by EBA Engineering Consultants, a Tetra Tech Company (EBA) with an effective date of September 23, 2013 to be filed within 45 days of this release. All currency values are presented in US$ unless otherwise specified.

N. Eric Fier, President & COO stated, "The positive results of this PEA will enable us to plan the next steps, establish achievable milestones and identify additional studies and analyses to optimize the project economics. We have engaged extensively with local communities at this early stage of the La Joya project development, emphasizing the importance of building collaborative, long term and sustainable relationships with all stakeholders."
The PEA focuses on the first stage of La Joya development ("Starter Pit") as a low strip, open pit with an initial 9 year life of mine plan ("LOMP") and opportunities for expansion. This approach provides attractive economic returns using conservative metal price estimates and lower initial capital costs, which are more attractive in the current market. The conceptual open pit operation would be in conjunction with a 5,000 tonnes per day (tpd) conventional mill and flotation/leaching plant to produce a high grade silver-copper concentrate with gold credits. The Starter Pit will have a conceptual average annual production of 3.9 million silver equivalent (AgEQ)* ounces per year and approximately 5 million ounces AgEQ* per year for each of the first 4 years of operation. An expansion of the Starter Pit to include additional resources within a larger pit would then be contemplated.
The Company cautions that the PEA is preliminary in nature in that it is based on Inferred Mineral Resources which are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be characterized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
The PEA incorporated Base Case metal prices of $22/oz Ag, $3/lb Cu and $1200/oz Au (5 year historical average). Highlights of the Base Case economic estimates for the Starter Pit are as follows:
  • Pre-tax NPV5% of $133 million and an Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") of 30.5%
  • Pre-tax NPV5% of $156 million and IRR of 34% using current metal prices of $21.93/oz Ag, $1316.25/oz Au and $3.27/lb Cu (as of 18/10/2013)
  • After-tax NPV5% of $93 million and an IRR of 22%
  • Payback period of approximately 2 years on initial capital
  • Pre- production capital costs of $141 million including contingencies of $17 million
  • Sustaining capital is estimated at $8 Million
  • Cash operating costs for the first three years average $10 per ounce AgEQ* and $13 per ounce AgEq* for the 9 years Starter Pit
  • Pre-tax undiscounted operating cash flow before capital expenditures totalling $342.5 million at an average of $38 million per year with the first four years averaging $60 million per year
  • A 9 year LOMP with 15.5M tonnes grading 50g/t Ag, 0.33%Cu and 0.19 g/t Au
  • Life of mine production of an estimated 34.8 million payable AgEQ*ounces, consisting of 19 million ounces of silver and 53 thousand ounces of gold and 93 million pounds of copper in concentrate, and
  • Production of an attractive high grade silver-copper concentrate (averaging 35% Cu and 4kg/t Ag) with a gold by- product.
* Silver equivalency for the PEA includes silver, gold and copper and excludes lead, zinc, molybdenum and tungsten values. The Price Ratio for Ag:oz Au is (54.4:1), lb Cu:oz Ag is (7.3:1), both based on 5 year historic metal price trends of US$22/oz silver, US$1200/oz gold, US$3/lbs. copper. Metallurgical recoveries are incorporated in the economic analysis (see Summary of PEA parameters in table below). Newswire * Silver equivalency for the PEA includes silver, gold and copper and excludes lead, zinc, molybdenum and tungsten values. Price ratio for Ag: Au is (54.4:1), Ag:Cu is (7.3:1), both based on 5 year historic metal price trends of US$22/oz silver, US$1200/oz gold, US$3/lbs. copper. Metallurgical recovery is incorporated as recoverable metal.
The PEA for the Starter Pit reports strong revenues in the initial four years of operations and a decrease in the revenues for subsequent two years due to decrease in the grades. It is anticipated that additional drilling and optimization of the mine schedule could improve these results based on the presence of high grade material in some sectors of the deposit which may ultimately be incorporated into the mine plan.
Sensitivity analyses were completed by adjusting commodity prices, the results of which are presented in the following graph.
To view the graph, please click on the following link:
The Starter Pit economics are more sensitive to silver and copper price, as they represent 55% and 36% of the total revenues respectively under the base case scenario. Each 10% increment in metal prices from the base case changes the pre-tax NPV by approximately $60 million and the IRR by approximately 8%.
EBA completed detailed cost estimates for the mine and processing plant based on preliminary vendor quotes, contract mining and similar projects recently completed in Mexico. Pre-production capital costs are estimated to total US$141 million including a $17 million contingency using an open pit mine contractor. This includes development of the project over a period of 1.5 years including initial mining for one year before start-up of operations. The La Joya property has excellent infrastructure to keep capital costs reasonable with a nearby international airport, highways, railway, main power grid and lines, several operating mines and communities with available workforce. The pre-production capital costs from the PEA are summarized below. Newswire Provisions for $8 million of working capital and $6 million in mine closure have been made as part of the economic analyses in the PEA.
The PEA has incorporated the following operational and economic parameters used in the Net Smelter Return Model ("NSR") for the silver-copper-gold concentrate and also gold-silver dore production model from tailings leaching. Newswire No smelter penalty charges for deleterious metals were applied to the concentrate for the PEA. The study assumes that silver copper concentrate will be shipped overseas by trucking from site to a port in Mexico which is the most used route for concentrate producers in operation near La Joya.
The most recent metallurgical studies indicate that a conventional flotation circuit will potentially recover a high grade silver copper concentrate with gold credits. Depending on mineralization style and conditioning applied on the ALS locked cycle flotation tests, preliminary metal recoveries to the third cleaner concentrates range from 82.7 to 86.7% Cu, 76.7 to 84.3% Ag, and 18.2 to 42.4% Au for Manto and Structure composites. A gold leaching circuit with potential to recover 90% of gold and silver from the tailings to produce metal dore has also been incorporated in the PEA. Newswire The bulk silver copper concentrates from preliminary results produced from Manto and Structure composites show certain potentially deleterious elements for smelting such as arsenic, antimony and bismuth. Adding cyanide at cleaner flotation stages reduces the arsenic content to acceptable market limits without sacrificing copper, silver and gold recoveries. Additional test work is in progress to assess the distribution, concentration and potential reduction of antimony and bismuth.
The La Joya mineral deposit is defined as a silver copper-gold skarn with disseminated to semi-massive sulphide (bornite - chalcopyrite) with three main ore types; Mantos, Structures and Contact Zone. The updated Mineral Resource estimations for the La Joya Project provided estimated Inferred Resources of 126.7 million tonnes grading 23.5 gpt Ag, 0.19%Cu and 0.17 gpt Au containing 198.6 million ounces of silver, 533 million pounds of copper and 95,900 ounces of gold. These resource estimates were announced by news release dated January 29, 2013 and are contained in a technical report dated March 27, 2013 titled "Updated Resource Estimate for the La Joya Property, Durango, Mexico" and are the basis for the PEA. Newswire * Silver equivalency for the resource estimation filed on March 27th, 2013 includes silver, gold and copper and excludes lead, zinc, molybdenum and tungsten values. Ag:Au is 50:1, Ag:Cu is 86:1, based on 5 year historic metal price trends ofUS$24/oz silver, US$1200/oz gold, US$3/lb copper. 100% metallurgical recovery is assumed. Classified by EBA, a Tetra Tech Company and conforms to NI 43-101 and CIM definitions for resources. All numbers are rounded. Inferred Resources have been estimated from geological evidence and limited sampling and must be treated with a lower level of confidence than Measured and Indicated Resources. Note that AgEQ calculation for resources is different than PEA economic analysis based on change in metal prices. Mineralization boundaries used in the interpretation of the geological model and resource estimate are based on a cut-off grade of 15 g/t AgEq using the metal price ratios described above.
The conceptual first stage for development of La Joya with an initial 9 year Starter Pit uses the 60g/t Ag Eq cut off Inferred Resource for Manto and Structure Zones representing mineralized zones close to the surface. The PEA conceptual open pit and economic analysis excludes the Contact Zone, Santo Nino and Cerro Coloradito resources which are included in the above table.
The Contact Zone resources, not incorporated in the PEA, contains consistent Tungsten mineralization which is currently the subject of additional studies aimed at definition of preliminary economic parameters to be integrated in future assessment of the La Joya Project.
The Whittle Pit analysis examined the NPV of 41 potential pits utilizing a 5,000 tpd operational capacity. The optimum pit is #31 with the highest NPV(see Table below) producing a 15.8 years LOMP, but it did not meet the criteria established for a Starter Pit with low strip ratio (less than 3:1) and reasonable capital costs. On this basis the selected pit for mine design & scheduling was Pit # 18. Newswire * 41 Optimized pit shells have been generated by keeping the parameters used for the Whittle optimization constant (Operating Costs, Metallurgical Recoveries, Pit Slope Angles and Discount Factor) and by varying the Revenue using a range of metal prices illustrated in the table above.
The optimal mine scheduling incorporates, mining ore and waste in the year-1 grade optimization and stockpiling of material for reprocessing during the project life. is The production scheduling (Mill Feed Tonnes & grades) is illustrated as follows: Newswire The 5,000 tpd processing plant will be comprised of crushing, milling and standard flotation facilities with production of a silver-copper concentrate as well as a gold-silver leaching circuit for re-treatment of tailings. The PEA adopted as a guideline a mitigation of environmental and social impact by minimizing the footprint of all proposed operational facilities in the region.
Several opportunities are identified that could significantly enhance the economic return outlined in the PEA, including the following:
  • The current Inferred Resources at La Joya provide opportunity for significant project expansion,
  • Mineralization at La Joya is open in most directions with excellent potential to further increased resources. Further infill and expansion drilling is recommended to reclassify resources at a Pre-Feasibility Study level,
  • Additional and detailed metallurgical test work will be completed aiming to optimize the metallurgical flow sheet and potentially improve metal recoveries,
  • Review and optimization of the mining schedule could potentially provide opportunities for reduction in waste and haulage costs which could decrease capital and operating mining costs,
  • This PEA does not address the potential for recovery of several other identified potential products including tungsten, molybdenum, lead, zinc, and tin which may have significant value. Further work is recommended, and
  • Several other targets have been identified on the plus 10,000 hectare concession that remain to be explored for potential new discoveries.
The Qualified Persons for this Technical Report and who have reviewed and approved the contents of this news release are Mark Horan, M.Sc., P.Eng., James Barr, P.Geo., Scott Martin, P.Eng. and Graham Wilkins, P.Eng. from the consulting firm of EBA, a Tetra Tech Company, and Ting Lu, M.Sc., P.Eng., Hassan Ghaffari, MASc., P.Eng., Sabry Abdel-Hafez, PhD., P.Eng. and Nick Michael from Tetra Tech. The Technical Report for the PEA will be filed on SEDAR with 45 days of this release.
SilverCrest Mines Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SVL)(NYSE MKT:SVLC) is a Canadian precious metals producer headquartered in Vancouver, BC. SilverCrest's flagship property is the 100%-owned Santa Elena Mine, located 150 km northeast of Hermosillo, near Banamichi in the State of Sonora, México. The mine is a high-grade, epithermal silver and gold producer, with an estimated life of mine cash cost of US$8 per ounce of silver equivalent (55:1 Ag: Au). SilverCrest anticipates that the 2,500 tonnes per day open pit heap leach facility at the Santa Elena mine should recover approximately 625,000 ounces of silver and 33,000 ounces of gold in 2013. Major expansion and construction of a 3000 tonnes per day conventional mill facility is underway to significantly increase metals production at the Santa Elena Mine (open pit and underground) by 2014. Exploration programs continue to make new discoveries at Santa Elena and also have rapidly advanced the definition of a large polymetallic deposit at the La Joya property in Durango State with stated resources nearing 200 million ounces of Ag equivalent.
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and the United States Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements concern the Company's anticipated results and developments in the Company's operations in future periods, planned exploration and development of its properties, plans related to its business and other matters that may occur in the future. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on expectations of future performance, including silver and gold production and planned work programs. Statements concerning reserves and mineral resource estimates may also constitute forward-looking statements to the extent that they involve estimates of the mineralization that will be encountered if the property is developed and, in the case of mineral reserves, such statements reflect the conclusion based on certain assumptions that the mineral deposit can be economically exploited.
Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to precious and base metal price fluctuations; risks related to fluctuations in the currency markets (particularly the Mexican peso, Canadian dollar and United States dollar); risks related to the inherently dangerous activity of mining, including conditions or events beyond our control, and operating or technical difficulties in mineral exploration, development and mining activities; uncertainty in the Company's ability to raise financing and fund the exploration and development of its mineral properties; uncertainty as to actual capital costs, operating costs, production and economic returns, and uncertainty that development activities will result in profitable mining operations; risks related to reserves and mineral resource figures being estimates based on interpretations and assumptions which may result in less mineral production under actual conditions than is currently estimated and to diminishing quantities or grades of mineral reserves as properties are mined; risks related to governmental regulations and obtaining necessary licenses and permits; risks related to the business being subject to environmental laws and regulations which may increase costs of doing business and restrict our operations; risks related to mineral properties being subject to prior unregistered agreements, transfers, or claims and other defects in title; risks relating to inadequate insurance or inability to obtain insurance; risks related to potential litigation; risks related to the global economy; risks related to the Company's status as a foreign private issuer in the United States; risks related to all of the Company's properties being located in Mexico and El Salvador, including political, economic, social and regulatory instability; and risks related to officers and directors becoming associated with other natural resource companies which may give rise to conflicts of interests. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The Company's forward-looking statements are based on beliefs, expectations and opinions of management on the date the statements are made. For the reasons set forth above, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
The information provided in this news release is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning the Company. It should be read in conjunction with all other disclosure documents of the Company. The information contained herein is not a substitute for detailed investigation or analysis. No securities commission or regulatory authority has reviewed the accuracy or adequacy of the information presented.
N. Eric Fier
N. Eric Fier, President and COO
SilverCrest Mines Inc.
Fred Cooper
(604) 694-1730 ext. 108
Toll Free: 1-866-691-1730
(604) 694-1761
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Published at Newswire
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BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Mining Stock Alert: DNA Precious Metals Inc. (OCTQB: DNAP) Submits Restoration Plan with the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources

Montreal, Canada - October 18, 2013 ( Mining stocks newswire) DNA Precious Metals Inc. ("DNA" or "the Company") (OCTQB:DNAP) is pleased to announce that it has submitted a Restoration Plan with the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources located in Canada. More specifically, the Restoration Plan deposited with the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources targets the restoration of the mining residues identified as Anacon 1 covering an area of approximately 7 hectares on the Montauban Mine Property located in the Montauban and Chavigny townships near Grondines-West in the Portneuf County, Quebec, Canada. DNA Precious Metals Inc. presently has mining rights on the Monatuban Mine Property covering an area of approximately 340 hectares.

The submission of the restoration plan to the Ministry of Natural Resources will take DNA Precious Metals Inc. one step closer to processing the Anacon 1 mining residues, on which a National Instrument 43-101 resource estimate published by Yves Gagnon Engineer, Geologist indicated a measured resource of approximately 428 252 tons. The National Instrument 43-101 further indicates the actual market value of the Anacon 1 mining residues insitu is of at least 32 million dollars with the potential of increasing this value with the mica.
Ronald Mann, President and CEO stated; "The submission of the Montauban Mining Restoration Plan marks a very important milestone for DNA Precious Metals Inc. as the Company prepares itself to go into production. Our investment and collaboration with the Quebec Government will facilitate that our project is on track to meet its deadline of having the mine fully commissioned by the Spring of 2014. I would like to send my deepest appreciation to the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and to everyone on our team and who have all worked so hard in maintaining our objectives."
About DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTCQB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP. For more information, please go to .
On behalf of the Board
Ronald K. Mann, CEO
Forward Looking Disclaimer
This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Readers are referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission filings filed by the Company on EDGAR at, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to review or confirm analysts' expectations or estimates or to publicly release any revisions to any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this press release should not be construed as any indication of the Company's future stock price, its revenues or results of operations.
Ronald Mann, CEO
DNA Precious Metals Inc.
Twitter: www.twitter/dnametals
Stuart T. Smith, CEO
SmallCapVoice.Com, Inc.
Tel: +1-(512)-267-2430
Disclaimer/ Disclosure:The newswire is a third party publisher of news and research as well as creates original content as a news source. Original content created by investorideas is protected by copyright laws other than syndication rights. Investorideas is a news source on Google news and Linkedintoday plus hundreds of syndication partners. Our site does not make recommendations for purchases or sale of stocks or products. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. All investment involves risk and possible loss of investment. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions, content marketing and online advertising. Contact each company directly for press release questions. Disclosure is posted on each release if required but otherwise the news was not compensated for and is published for the sole interest of our readers. Investorideas is compensated by DNAP for news and content publication and syndication ( October 2013 - five thousand for one month of news distribution on Investor ideas news wire ) More disclaimer info:
BC Residents and Investor Disclaimer : Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.

Mining stocks news alerts